
Pervert Joe Biden Gets Distracted During Interview, Brushes Bug Off Reporter’s Chest (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden gave an interview to the Weather Channel during his visit to the Grand Canyon on Tuesday.

The softball interview focused on climate change and ‘extreme weather.’

The Weather Channel’s Stephanie Abrams asked Joe Biden if he is willing to declare a national emergency with respect to climate change.

“We’ve already done that,” Biden said. “We’ve rejoined the Paris Climate Accords. We passed a $368 billion climate control facility. It is the existential threat to humanity.”

Climate control facility?

“So you’ve already declared that national emergency?” Stephanie Abrams asked.

Pervert Joe Biden got distracted and brushed a bug off of her chest.

“You’ve got a bug on you,” Biden said as he swiped the critter off of the woman’s chest.