
Kachelman: Punishing Political Enemies — Inevitable Retribution

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Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Photo Illustration/Midjourney

I have a friend who watches documentaries of WW2. He says, “I want to see if the Socialists/Fascists will win this time.” The point is clear—evil never wins; the end result is constant. It may appear that the bad guys are winning, but that is NOT the inevitable reality. So do not give up, refuse to give in, keep advancing!

This is why I love history—it is an unerring reminder that evil’s wrong-doing will not go unpunished. A historical constant is when one “sows the wind, he will eventually reap the whirlwind!” This conclusion was announced long ago to those seeking to coerce by political shenanigans. Listen to the historical principle: “Like an eagle the enemy comes…because they have violated My covenant and rebelled against My Law…for they sow wind and they harvest a whirlwind” (The Bible,