
Predictable: Left-Wing Media Use Selective Editing to Smear Michigan MAGA State Rep, but We Have the Receipts!

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Yesterday the left-wing media attempted to use selective, out-of-context, audio to claim that pro-MAGA Michigan State Rep. Matt Maddock called for violence and sought civil war at a fundraiser for the 16 Michigan Trump Electors from 2020 indicted by far-left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel

Yet what Michigan State Rep. Maddock said was EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. 

Here, exclusively at the Gateway Pundit, we have the actual audio AND VIDEO of what was said by Rep. Maddock:

These left-wing smear jobs consistently never provide the original material to their readers, because the full context would never be damning.

Notably, the reporting also all fails to take note of Rep.