
Migrant Mob Attacks AfD Politician, Kicking him on the Ground, Breaking his Ankle as German Government “Protects Democracy” By Inciting Hate

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Afd candidate Andreas Jurca was severely beaten Saturday night


Andreas Jurca, running for the Bavarian state parliament for the patriotic Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, was brutally attacked on the weekend after Antifa doxxed a list of addresses of AfD politicians. Instead of arresting the criminals, the police also spread the “assassination list.”

The 35-year-old town council member in the south German city of Augsburg Andreas Jurca was attacked by a mob of migrants Saturday evening on his way home from a barbecue and brutally beaten, he told Deutschlandkurier. A man had approached him and extended his hand, saying, “Hey, aren’t you that Andreas Jurca from the posters?” When he responded, another man from the mob hit him in the face,