
Leon Black Strikes Back: Embattled Financier Is Suing Law Firm Representing His Rape Accuser – Who He Says Does Not Have Autism or Down Syndrome, Has History of Making up Stories

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If anyone thought that Leon Black was just gonna lay back and take the rape accusations against him, they better think again. Famous for being a ruthless money manager, he has repeatedly shown that he is going to put up a fight.

You can read more about the charges here.

While Black did paid the US Virgin Islands’ prosecutors $62million to avoid being caught up in their sweeping litigation against Epstein’s estate, he has otherwise tackled his latest accuser ‘Jane Doe’ head on.

Black unleashed his investigators on her family, and his brutal latest filling attempts to demolish the whole edifice of her credibility.

Daily Mail reported:

“The Down syndrome woman accusing Leon Black of raping her when she was a teenager says he sent private investigators to her home and to her parents’ house after she filed her lawsuit against him.”

The woman alleges that two days after she filed the lawsuit anonymously,