
Nearly a Fourth of States Introducing Biometric Digital IDs — and More than Half are Republican ‘Red’ States

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Guest post by Leo Hohmann

If there is one indisputable fact when it comes to the epic changes now enveloping the world as everything, even money and humans themselves, become digitized, it’s this: The march to install a global totalitarian control grid is taking place outside of the normal left-right paradigm.

Everything you see being argued within a left-right dynamic is a smoke-screen meant to distract and deceive.

If there is one indisputable fact when it comes to the epic changes now enveloping the world as everything, even money and humans themselves, become digitized, it’s this: The march to install a global totalitarian control grid is taking place outside of the normal left-right paradigm.

Everything you see being argued within a left-right dynamic is a smoke-screen meant to distract and deceive.