
Russian Nuclear Submarines To Be Equipped With Zircon Hypersonic Missiles – Firepower and Maneuverability, Five Times Faster Than Sound

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The War in the Ukraine has showcased the vibrant and fast-adapting Russian military industrial complex, that reinvented itself in just a few months, achieving superiority in the production of all kinds of equipments: tanks, drones, artillery, aircraft, ammunition – and missiles.

Now if surfaces that the nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines of the Yasen class are being equipped with the new, 5 times faster than sound, Zircon missiles.

Reuters reported:

“Russia is in the process of equipping its new nuclear submarines with hypersonic Zircon missiles, the head of Russia’s largest shipbuilder told the RIA state news agency. […]

‘Multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the Yasen-M project will be equipped with the Zircon missile system on a regular basis’,