
The MSM Smear Machine Turns on Conservative Javier Milei, Most Voted Presidential Candidate in Argentina’s Primary Elections

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With presidents Kirchner, Macri and now Fernandez, the leftist ‘peronists’ have transformed Argentina into an unmitigated train-wreck, a decadent country where annual inflation is over 100%.

The situation is so bad that the Argentineans descended from their high horse, left behind their regional leadership pretensions, and go around hat in hand asking the Brazilian government for help.

And yet, if we were to believe the MSM, we’d come to the (wrong) conclusion that the real danger to Argentina is the most voted candidate in the primary elections, Javier Milei.

Take a look at the headlines below, and notice how the leftist machine in the media has started to try and destroy him before the final round of voting in October.