
Biden’s Creepy Message to Children: “I Know Some Really Great Ice Cream Places Around Here and Daddy Owes You, So Talk to Me Afterwards” (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden on Wednesday delivered remarks on the Inflation Reduction Act – which is just the Marxist Green New Deal with a different label.

Biden boasted about his failed economic agenda dubbed ‘Bidenomics’ from the East Room.

“Guess what? [Bidenomics is] working,” Biden said in his signature creepy whisper.

But before Biden got down to business, he got distracted by the children in attendance.

Joe Biden had a creepy message for the children.

“I wanna say one thing to your children. I know some really great ice cream places around here and daddy owes you, so talk to me afterwards,” Biden said.


BIDEN: “I wanna say one thing to your children.