
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Tucker Carlson: I’ve Talked to CIA and Mob Hitmen Who Were Assigned to JFK Assassination

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The Warren Commisssion “was Kabuki theater”, RFK Jr. said, commission head Allen Dulles was “the prime suspect” in JFK assassination


Speaking to Tucker Carlson, Democratic Presidential challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discussed the CIA involvement in the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy, revealing names and details of the plot to kill the US President 1963. In January, Tucker Carlson had bravely reported on the CIA involvement in the Kennedy assassination and the Watergate scandal, assumed by many to be one of the reasons for Tucker’s unceremonious ouster and subsequent self-immolation of former top network Fox News.

“Almost all of the people associated with (JFK’s assassination) were involved with the Miami Station,