
Powder Keg Europe: Poland, Lithuania and Latvia To Shut NATO Borders With Belarus – Increasingly Militarized Poland Says Lukashenko Will Try To Disrupt Its Elections

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As the military conflict in the Ukraine drags on, and the need for peace talks begins to be addressed with growing urgency, another hotbed for conflict is starting to gather attention of the world.

Lithuania, Latvia and Poland are now said to be considering the possibility of a collective decision on a complete border closure against Belarus, and will discuss its implementation before the month’s end.

Lithuanian officials fear that Wagner PMC fighters could cross Belarusian border disguised as ‘refugees, irregular migrants’ to ’cause some kind of unrest’.

Euronews reported:

“Lithuania’s to close two of its six crossing points at the border with Belarus amidst tension in the Baltic states and Poland over the presence of Wagner mercenaries in the country to their east.”

Belarus shares borders with Latvia,