
Never Trust a Bushie: GW’s Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Says Trump Should Spend Time in Prison if Convicted by Far-Left Juries on Junk Charges

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Let’s face it. They hate you. They really, really hate you.

Has anyone else noticed that that George W. Bush has remained silent following the over 80 indictments of President Donald Trump on speech crimes?

It tells you everything.

These same GOP elites want you to vote for one of their candidates in 2024 – who hate you just as much as they do. They demand that you comply to their ruinous, violent agenda.

Former George W. Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says Donald Trump should serve time if he is found guilty of garbage crimes in court.

Gonzalez says President Trump did nothing to stop the violence that day. He must have forgotten that it was President Trump who asked for the National Guard that day but was turned down by Nancy Pelosi who was organizing a camera crew to film her for the day.