
Monster Chase: A Renewed Search for the Fabled ‘Loch Ness Monster’, 90 Years After the ‘Nessie’ Craze Began

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Up in the Highlands of Scotland, a new chase is gearing up for the Loch Ness Monster, one of the planet’s most famous folkloric creatures.

Back in the dark ages, Saint Columba, an Irish monk, famously encountered what he called a ‘water beast’ swimming in the River Ness, which flows from the ‘loch’, a highland lake.

It was back in the 1930’s when a local hotel manager burst into the local bar one evening with the bombastic news: she had just seen a ‘whale-like creature’ in Loch Ness.

The news coverage of this event kick-started the modern Loch Ness craze spanning almost a century.

Next weekend, hundreds of researchers and enthusiasts will take part in the biggest hunt for the mysterious creature in the last 50 years.