
FEMA Turns Hawaii Tragedy into a Tropical Retreat, Stays at $1,000-a-Night Luxury Hotels Leaving Taxpayers Footing the Bill

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Screenshot: Jesse Watters Primetime/FOX News

While most government officials (not corrupt) would see a trip to Hawaii as an opportunity to address the recent tragedy near Lahaina, it seems FEMA officials saw it as an opportunity for something quite different.

According to a report and photos obtained by the Daily Mail, while the people of Hawaii grapple with a serious disaster, FEMA officials have been enjoying all the amenities that come with a $1,000+ a night hotel.

The revelation has sparked outrage, with many seeing this as a blatant display of disregard for the dire situation at hand.

Source: DailyMail.com
Source: DailyMail.com

The news outlet reported:

FEMA teams have checked in at three five-star hotels,