
Ahead of GOP Debate, MSNBC Claimed ‘Woke’ is the New ‘N-Word’ (VIDEO)

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Has everyone at MSNBC gone completely insane?

Prior to the GOP debate on Wednesday night, one of their hosts focused on the word ‘woke’ and suggested that you would hear that word repeated at the debate, a claim that turned out to be totally wrong.

Then, the host brought on a guest who suggested that the word ‘woke’ has been hijacked by the right and suggested that it is the new ‘n-word.’

Townhall reported:

MSNBC Claims This Is the New ‘N-Word’

Jose Diaz-Balart told viewers it was time to “talk a little bit about” the first GOP primary debate and said “there is one word voters should expect to hear” from the stage: “woke.”

According to Diaz-Balart,