
Meat Grinder: Russia Claims Ukraine Shoots 23 Deserters as US Pushes for More Casualty-Intense Attacks

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Ukrainian field commanders have begun shooting deserters as Ukrainian leadership balks at US demands to sacrifice more men and President Zelenski concedes “it is very hard for us.” US advisers worry that the halting Ukrainian offensive will not be repeated anytime soon. “We built up this mountain of steel for the counteroffensive. We can’t do that again,” an official told the Wall Street Journal.

Commanders from the 123rd territorial defense brigade “have shot 23 of their own fighters for attempting to desert from their positions near Kherson,” Sputnik News reports, citing a source with the Ukrainian armed forces.

“Information was obtained from sources in the armed forces of Ukraine on the execution of 23 servicemen of the 123rd brigade of the territorial defense of the armed forces of Ukraine on August 11 in Kherson because they decided to desert and abandon their positions,” a Russian security source said,