
Biden Given “Middle Finger” Again, This Time While Leaving Extended Lake Tahoe Vacation

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Joe Biden and his media handlers got a taste of how the American people feel about the failed, corrupt Biden presidency during Joe’s extended vacation in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. On Friday, Biden was loudly booed by a crowd of people as he addressed reporters outside a Pilates spa in Lake Tahoe. On Saturday, motorists in Carson City who were caught in traffic stopped for Biden’s departing motorcade gave Biden the finger as he passed by headed to the airport in Reno, according to a press pool report.

Screen image from viral video of Biden’s arrival in Maui, August 21, 2023.

Last Monday, Biden was booed and given the finger when he arrived in Maui to inspect the fire ravaged town of Lahaina after taking two vacations and repeatedly saying “no comment” when asked about the fire.