
Denmark Moves to Ban Burning the Koran or the Bible, as Intelligence Service Alerts About the Heightened Danger of Terrorism

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It seems as if a little bit of sanity has finally made its way to the Scandinavian countries, after a season of burning the Koran that has rocked international relations with the Muslim world.

While Sweden is doubling down in its peculiar understanding that burning the holy books of millenary religions is a valid expression of the freedom of speech, Denmark has moved to restore reason to the theme, and prevent further deterioration of inter-cultural relations.

BBC reported:

“The Danish government has proposed a ban on setting the Quran alight in public after a series of burnings led to uproar in Muslim countries.

[…] The planned law will make improper treatment of the Quran or Bible a criminal offence punishable by a fine and jail sentence of up to two years.”

Denmark witnessed 170 demonstrations in recent weeks,