
Judge Napolitano’s Round Table and the Continued Delusions of David Petraeus

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Judge Napolitano hosted Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern and me on this week’s round table. We discussed the death of Prigozhin and other intel and military matters relevant to Ukraine. We also touch on the latest buffoonery from retired General David Petraeus.

Regarding the recent oped in the Washington Post by retired General David Petraeus and uber neo-con Fred Kagan and brother-in-law of Victoria Nuland. (The article is behind a pay wall.) The delusional thinking presented in this piece removes any lingering doubts, in my opinion, about David’s incompetence as a military tactician and strategist. They write:

The rapid Ukrainian breakthrough and advance that many hoped for has not occurred. Media coverage has grown gloomier in recent weeks on the back of fragmentary journalistic accounts from the front and reported intelligence assessments from Western analysts.  » READ MORE