
Kyle Rittenhouse Sued AGAIN! – Estate of Unstable Child Molester Joseph Rosenbaum Files THIRD Lawsuit Against Rittenhouse and Police For “Wrongful Death”

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Kyle Rittenhouse announced on Twitter yesterday that he is facing his third lawsuit this year from the lunatics who attacked him at a Black Lives Matter riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse shot three men in self-defense after being violently attacked by the rioters, looters, and thugs and was charged with up to 170 years for defending his life.

He was later acquitted of any wrongdoing by a Wisconsin jury of his peers.

Now, the families believe that Rittenhouse owes them for protecting his life from criminals.

Rittenhouse posted on X (Twitter) Friday, “I’m being sued again for defending my life.”

I’m being sued again for defending my life. https://t.co/6CrN40Y6tB

— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) August 25,