
Former Wagner Chief Prigozhin Confirmed Dead – DNA Reportedly Found at Crash Site Near Tver

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Russian authorities announced on Sunday that DNA of former Wagner Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was found near the crash site near Tver.

Officials confirmed Prigozhin was among the victims of the plane crash on Wednesday.


Russia announces that DNA tests have confirmed that Prigozhin was killed in the plane crash near Tver. pic.twitter.com/5V2Wi9WDfE

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) August 27, 2023

JUST IN – Russian authorities say DNA testing has confirmed the death of former Wagner boss Prigozhin.

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) August 27, 2023

Russian officials made the announcement this morning.

❗ The identification of those killed in the plane crash in the Tver region has been completed,