
NEVER FORGET: On the 2-Year Anniversary of the Kabul Airport Bombing that Killed 13 American Servicemen and Women – MILITARY BRASS KNEW OF THE ATTACK 24 HOURS PRIOR TO BOMBING – Would Not Let Snipers Take Out Bomber

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Today is the two-year anniversary of the Kabul Airport bombing attack that killed 13 US servicemen and women.

NEVER FORGET — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Joint Chief Chairman Mark Milley, and CentCom Commander General Kenneth McKenzie all knew about the Kabul Airport terrorist bombing at the Abbey Gate hours in advance.

The top US Military leaders knew that the Abbey Gate Soldiers were at the greatest risk.

Commanders calling in from Kabul relayed that the Abbey Gate, where American citizens had been told to gather in order to gain entrance to the airport, was “highest risk,” and detailed their plans to protect the airport.

13 US servicemen and women were killed in the attack.  » READ MORE