
San Francisco’s Sold-Out ‘Doom Loop’ Tour of Drug-Infested City Cancelled, Counter ‘Positive Walk’ Ends Up with Same Tour of Addicts and Homeless Camps

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A SF Anonymous Insider planned a ‘doom loop’ tour of drug-infested San Francisco touting an up-close-and-personal experience of a Blue city that is a “model of urban decay,”

Locals and tourists paid $30 a ticket, but controversy around the event forced the anonymous tour guide to cancel the walk.

The New York Post reports, “Community activist Del Seymour and others with the nonprofit Code Tenderloin — who had gathered at the tour’s designated starting point to protest the event — “then led about 70 people on an nearly 2-mile “anti-doom loop tour” through areas such as City Hall, Union Square, Mid-Market and the Tenderloin District.”

As it turns out, the ‘Positive Walk’ provided the exact same snapshot of the decaying city.