
‘Trans Widow’ Describes Harrowing Marriage with Ex-husband Who Became ‘Fake Woman’

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Tracy Shannon, ‘trans widow’ (screenshot, X video)


Guest by post by Peter LaBarbera 

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Court-ordered ‘therapy’ for kids: ‘Told they could no longer call their father dad’

Warning: Graphic and offensive subject matter

An interview with “trans widow” Tracy Shannon – whose ex-husband went from secretly cross-dressing in their home to openly “transitioning” to become what she calls a “fake woman” – offers a harrowing look into a marriage and family shattered by a man caught up in a transgender fantasy.

The hour-and-a-half long interview with Shannon by Daily Wire radio and podcast host Michael Knowles offers one of the most in-depth media looks to date into two core groups victimized by “male-to-female” trans-activists: the woman and wife whose marriage is turned into a nightmare as her husband pursues his “trans” fetish;