
Why Are There So Many Fires? Dr. David Martin Unveils What He Thinks Is Behind It

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This article originally appeared on VigilantNews.com and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Vigilant News

These fires may just be the smoke signals of a bigger problem lurking beneath the flames. 

The whole world seems like it’s on fire. Fires are ravaging Maui, Canada, Greece, France—you name it. But when you dig deeper, something’s off. Government mismanagement, questionable land acquisitions, and even newly minted laws raise eyebrows. Are we witnessing a bad wave of natural, runaway wildfires, or is there something else going on?

Canada’s Fourth Largest Emergency Evacuation Underway As Wildfires Spread

Residents in Yellowknife, the capital of Canada’s Northwest Territories — home to about 20,000,