
US-Ukraine Brass Write off Counteroffensive After 57.000 Casualties, Focus on Force-Drafting New Conscripts for 2024

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US Gen. Christopher Cavoli, Ukrainian chief military commander, Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi and British Admiral Sir Tony Radakin


NATO military chief US Gen Christopher Cavoli and British Admiral Sir Tony Radakin traveled to the Polish-Ukrainian border ten days ago for a crisis meeting with the Ukrainian chief military commander Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, for what was privately billed as “a council of war”, The Guardian reported.

The meeting was “no ordinary discussion”, The Guardian writes. “Zaluzhnyi brought his entire command team with him on the roughly 300-mile journey from Kyiv. The aim of the five-hour meeting was to help reset Ukraine’s military strategy – top of the agenda was what to do about the halting progress of Ukraine’s counteroffensive,