
Update: ACLU Workers in Fulton County, GA Had Access to Election Net Software on Their PERSONAL Computers

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Last week The Gateway Pundit published a story regarding a post from investigative reporter Paul Sperry where he disclosed that FOIA’d records show ACLU representatives were shockingly given authority “to process absentee ballots applications received through online portals and then equipped ACLU poll workers with iPads to cancel absentee ballots without county supervision.”  Ballot applications are a hot topic after TGP’s breaking article that revealed a large ballot application harvesting operation in Michigan through a non-profit called GBI Strategies.

BREAKING: New FOIA records reveal Fulton election officials in 2020 deputized 100s of anti-Trump Dems from ACLU, gave them power to process absentee ballot apps rec’d thru online portals & then equipped ACLU poll workers w/ iPads to cancel absentee ballots w/o county supervision

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) August 24,