
Woman Who Escaped Communist China Under Mao Reacts to Trump Arrest – Sounds Alarm About ‘Cultural Revolution’ In America (VIDEO)

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Xi Van Fleet escaped from communist China, but not before witnessing the horrors of life under Mao Zedong, who was responsible for the deaths of millions of people, mostly by starvation.

When she looks at what the left is doing to Trump, she has a warning for America. She says this is just what China’s ‘Cultural Revolution’ looked like.

She accuses the left of being Marxists and says that no one is safe because they will eventually come for everyone.

Real Clear Politics provides a partial transcript:

XI VAN FLEET: I lived through the most brutal communist regime in China and I witnessed a lot, and now I recount one of the darkest moments I witnessed is the day when the former president of the United States was indicted and mugshot in Georgia prison.