
California Councilman Robbed While Speaking to Shop Owners About Crime (VIDEO)

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On Monday, a California councilman was robbed while speaking to shop owners about crime in the Bay Area.

Emeryville council member Kalimah Priforce found his “wallet and keys had been stolen from his bike bag” at Bay Street Mall.

“A lot of stores that can’t afford private guards need panic buttons, a direct line to the police, so they don’t have to actually pick up the phone [and] call the police dispatch,” he said, before realizing he had been robbed, according to a report from Fox News.

Someone stole councilmember @priforce’s wallet while he was at Bay Street Monday speaking to store owners and workers about safety. @KPIXtv pic.twitter.com/15sBhmvTad

— Betty Yu (@bett_yu) August 30,