
A Game of Ultimatums: Niger Demands French Troops Leave Country by September 3 – Paris Has Already Refused To Withdraw Its Ambassador, as the European Union Weighs a Response

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As the situation develops in post-coup Niger, a back and forth game of ‘ultimatums’ is taking place, and mostly the demands are getting ignored by the opposing parties.

The last consequential bit of news to come out of the conflict is that the Niger junta now is demanding a complete withdrawal of all French troops stationed in the country, reportedly 1,500 strong.

TASS reported:

“The National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland, which was set up by Niger’s coup leaders, has demanded that France pull out its troops from the country by September 3 […]. A representative of the council reiterated that France was given 30 days to withdraw its armed forces from the country.