
Just When You Thought Retired U.S. Generals Are The Biggest Buffoons, A Retired Aussie Takes The Cake

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There has been some stiff competition for the most inane, delusional analysis about the state of the war between Russia and Ukraine, but former Australian Army Major General Mick Ryan’s recent piece in Foreign Affairs qualifies him as one of the more incompetent “expert” pundits. Remind me, please. What was the last war won by an Australian General? It is a tragedy that Ryan did not have the humility to admit, “I’ve never fought in any war like the one that is unfolding in Ukraine and I have no good evidence to support my optimism.”

In lieu of selecting the title, “How Pigs Can Fly at Hypersonic Speeds”, Ryan opted for, How Ukraine Can Win a Long War. (My thanks to one of my Aussie readers,