
New Study Reveals Our Pre-Human Ancestors Were Very Nearly Extinct – A Population of Only Around a Thousand Hominids Survived, to Later Thrive Again

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We can all agree that if a story took place almost a million years ago, it can hardly be called ‘news’.

But a recent scientific study, based on a vast analysis of genetic material from various today’s populations, has uncovered a cataclysmic event in human evolution that nearly wiped out our pre-Homo-Sapiens ancestors for good.

Complex genetic ‘family trees’ tell a tale of destruction and survival, of endurance and evolution – a pre-historic saga that is bound to make us proud of our ancestral populations.

A small group of around a thousand individuals carried the torch of our future humanity. Everyone alive today is a descendant of these titans.

Nature reported:

“Human ancestors in Africa were pushed to the brink of extinction around 900,000 years ago,