
Robert Kennedy, Jr. Tells Gateway Pundit in Interview “I AM GOING TO SECURE THE BORDER. WE NEED TO SHUT IT DOWN”. Watch the VIDEO!

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We at the Gateway Pundit had a chance to catch up with Robert Kennedy, Jr. this week and speak to him about his stance on securing the border. Please see the clip here:

Cara Castronuova: What would you do, as president, differently at the border?

RFK, JR.: I’m going the secure the border. I’m going to do it by, first of all, the physical barriers and the densely populated areas, the motion detectors the video and the towers in the less populated[areas]…we’re going to close it down and all of the law enforcement, local law enforcement, the ICE, the border patrol we talked to all said ‘yes – if we are given permission we can close down these waves of immigrants.’

I worked with Cesar Chavez during the last twenty years of his life.