
PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth – Smears Trump Supporters for Not Respecting “Dignity and Worth of Every Person”

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There’s a special place in hell for this one.
Earlier today Kristinn Taylor reported on Nancy Pelosi’s vile attacks against Trump and Trump supporters.

Pelosi accused the 75 million strong Trump supporters of not respecting the “dignity and worth of every person.”

Pelosi Trashes Trump: “Cancerous…Malignancy”, and His Supporters: “They don’t share our values in terms of respect for the dignity and worth of every person”

Here is what Nancy Pelosi says about conservatives.

Nancy Pelosi smears Americans who voted for President Trump: “They’re people we would probably never get” pic.twitter.com/k9SblmNTxh

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 1, 2023

Of course,