
There is No Way In and No Out After Storm Floods Burning Man Festival – 73,000 People TRAPPED IN MUD, Told to Conserve Water and Food

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Burning Man attendees late Friday night were told to ‘shelter in place’ after a storm dumped torrential rain on the playa and turned it into a giant soupy mud pit.

Burning Man is a yearly music and art festival in Northern Nevada in Black Rock City.

An estimated 73,000 people are trapped after a monsoonal storm moved through Black Rock City.

Burning Man attendees referred to as ‘Burners’ prayed to the ‘playa gods’ to make it stop.

Burners were told to shelter in place and conserve water and food.

The gate&airport in and out of Black Rock City remain closed. Ingress&Egress are halted until further notice. No driving is permitted on playa with the exception of emergency vehicles.