
Soy Boy Frets Trump Will Lock Up Marxist Elites in Gitmo When He Returns to the White House – Totally Clueless Over Current Reality in America Today (VIDEO)

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Wow! Talk about projection!

Democrats are jailing hundreds of Trump supporters for walking inside the US Capitol! They have 91 junk indictments against President Donald Trump that could land him with potentially 450 years in prison!

And yet these clueless elites are afraid that Trump may send them to Gitmo?!

Soy boy Miles Taylor, a former DHS Official, told MSNBC that if Trump wins (through a free and fair democratic election) it will be the end of democracy!

The current reality is lost on these Marxist freaks.

Miles Taylor also fears a life in Gitmo when Trump returns.

MSNBC Host: And who might Trump target if he gets back in the White House?