
House Oversight Chairman James Comer Subpoenas Secret Service, DHS Chief Mayorkas Over Tip-Off of Hunter Biden Interview

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House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Tuesday issued 6 subpoenas related to the rigged Hunter Biden investigation.

“Comer sent a total of six subpoenas Tuesday— one directed to Secretary Mayorkas for documents; and five for depositions—two to Secret Service officials and three to DHS officials.” Fox News reported.

  • 4 Subpoenas to DHS that require the production of documents and communications about our request and three depositions with DHS employees.
  • 2 Subpoenas to the Secret Service requiring two Secret Service employees to appear for depositions.


🚨BREAKING: James Comer subpoenas Mayorkas, Secret Service over tip-off of 2020 Hunter Biden tax probe interview pic.twitter.com/iCDnx3kWvr

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 5,