
Poland Will Unilaterally Extend Ban on Ukrainian Grain – Warsaw Chose to Prioritize Its Farmers Over Their Military Allies From Kiev

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Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki and President Andrzej Duda.

The geopolitical situation in Europe is getting more complex daily – and in Poland, things are no different.

While the Poles are one of the closer and more engaged allies of Ukraine in its military confrontation against Russia, when it comes to Agrarian policy, the two countries are perpetually at odds.

With the low prices of the agrarian commodities, and with Polish storehouses filled with grain, Warsaw can’t possibly allow the low-priced products from Ukraine to flood its market and send the prices even lower.

So Poland is taking a shockingly rare common sense decision: it will stand by the interest of its farmers, rather than ideological or geopolitical considerations.