
FINALLY! Final Judgement in Abe Hamadeh’s Stolen Election Lawsuit Signed By Incompetent Judge Months After Ruling on Case – Hamadeh Files Notice of Appeal for Race Called by 280 Votes

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Arizona Republican candidates Abe Hamadeh and Kari Lake stand together.

After months of delay and reminders from both parties in the case, Mohave County Superior Court Judge Lee F. Jantzen finally signed a Final Judgment rejecting Abe Hamadeh’s lawsuit against the rigged midterm election in Arizona.

The order dismissing the lawsuit was given in May.

The Final Judgment signing came only after both parties filed a Joint Motion for Entry of Final Judgement and spelled out a mutually agreed ruling. Now that the final order is officially signed by the Judge, Hamadeh’s attorneys were finally able to file a Notice of Appeal against the bogus ruling, and he can continue fighting against the rigged election and corrupt trial court Judge.

Read the full Notice of Appeal here.