
CBS Anchor Asks Kamala Harris, ‘Are You Taking The Threat of a 2nd Trump Presidency Seriously Enough?’ (VIDEO)

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CBS anchor Margaret Brennan asked Kamala Harris if she is “taking the threat of a second Trump presidency seriously enough” during an interview in Jakarta, Indonesia.

A portion of the interview aired during Sunday’s edition of Face the Nation.

“But even Democrats are worried about the president’s age. The Wall Street Journal had a poll showing two-thirds of Democrats say Joe Biden is too old to run again. Are you prepared to be commander-in-chief?” Brennan asked Harris.

Margaret: “Are you taking the threat of a second Trump presidency seriously enough?”

Kamala Harris: “I don’t understand the question.” pic.twitter.com/pt2ESawgir

— Real Mac Report (@RealMacReport) September 10, 2023

Harris replied,