
Mumbling, Feeble Joe Biden Continues to Dilapidate US Leadership, as G20 Heads of State Have To Show Him Where To Sit – And Weak Statement Does Not Condemn Russia Over Ukraine War

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The world has had enough of Joe Biden.

During the New Delhi G20 Summit, the ‘self-propelled grandpa’ continued with the sad spectacle of his continually destroying the US influence in the world forum as the leading world superpower.

As the cognitive decline of the American President becomes more evident by the day, the credibility of the diplomatic initiatives coming from Biden’s State Department from hell are becoming less and less effective.

Feeble Biden. H/T: https://t.me/realKarliBonne

During public appearances alongside other heads of state, he displayed his usual clueless behavior, leading the other leaders to be continually motioning him to prod him in the right directions.

In doing so, it was impossible not to see the tense,