
Poll Shock: 48 Percent of Americans Under 30 Support Sending US Troops to Defend Ukraine

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A poll released Sunday by CBS News/YouGov shows that 48 percent of Americans under 30 support sending U.S. Troops to defend Ukraine from Russia’s invasion of the former Soviet state. Support for sending U.S. troops to defend Ukraine drops dramatically for each older age group: 28 percent of Americans 30-44, down to 17 percent of 45-64 and cratering to 8 percent among those 65 and older. The poll subset of those under 30 was 484 respondents, with the poll of 2,335 U.S. adults having an overall margin of error plus or minus 2.7 percent.

34 percent of Democrats support sending U.S. troops to Ukraine while 17 percent of Republicans and 18 percent of independents support sending U.S. troops to Ukraine.

Cropped and full image from page 39 of the poll.