
Lula Flip-Flops on Whether Putin Can Visit Brazil for 2024 G20 Summit Without Danger From ICC’s Arrest Warrant – Guarantees Turned Into Deflection to a ‘Brazilian Judiciary Decision’

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Brazil’s President Lula da Silva shares a common feature with US decaying leader Joe Biden: he loves the sound of his own voice, has a highly exaggerated opinion of his own oratorical powers, is very often misinformed, and every now and then has to be corrected by his aides and advisers.

And so it happened again, just as Lula was living what amounts to the best moment of his lackluster administration.

In New Delhi, there was a ceremony with the symbolic gesture marking the ceremonial handover of the G20 presidency from India to Brazil, where it will be held in 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi passed the gavel to Brazilian President Lula da Silva at the end of the G20 Summit held in Delhi on September 9-10.