
It Begins: Senior Washington Post Columnist Calls on Biden to Not Run in 2024

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“President Biden should not run again in 2024” reads the headline on Washington Post deep state columnist David Ignatius’ column posted Tuesday evening. The headline and author will be enough to start the conversation that everyone in D.C. wants to have but are afraid to voice.

David Ignatius is also an MSNBC favorite, file screen image.

President Biden should not run again in 2024, @IgnatiusPost writes. https://t.co/FUSyGD8sCz

— Washington Post Opinions (@PostOpinions) September 12, 2023

Ignatius, 73, cites “two big liabilities”, Biden’s age, 80, and his running mate Kamala Harris, as the reasons for Biden to step aside for the success of the ultimate mission: stopping the “nightmare” of President Donald Trump from returning to the White House in 2025 (excerpt):

Biden would carry two big liabilities into a 2024 campaign.