
Part 4: Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County… 17k Missing Ballot Images, 10 “Phantom” Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More

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In Part 1, The Gateway Pundit revealed that the Georgia Secretary of State (GASOS) and the GASOS COO Gabriel Sterling, who left the SOS office to take a private contract with the SOS office and then returned to the SOS after the election, neglected to act on several requests to rectify a reported issue in Coffee County regarding their Dominion equipment before the Nov 3, 2020 election.

In Part 2, the mysterious ability of Dominion technicians to repair equipment without ever touching it was revealed through the sworn affidavit of now-indicted 30-year retired school teacher Cathy Latham.

In Part 3, we discussed a State Election Board complaint that resulted in Fulton County entering into a Consent Order that acknowledged “36 inconsistencies” in the Nov.