
Resurfaced Interviews of Nurse Back Up Former Secret Service Agent’s Revelation Regarding JFK Assassination (VIDEO)

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Credit: The Telegraph Screenshot

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that 88-year-old Paul Landis gave an exclusive interview with The New York Times where he shared he shared his revelations regarding what happened November 22, 1963, in Dallas — the day JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Landis that year was a Secret Service agent assigned to First Lady Jackie Kennedy’s protective detail.

Landis’s revelations regarding what happened 60 years ago lay waste to the narrative advanced by the Warren Commission that one of the bullets fired at the president’s limousine struck not only Kennedy in the back but also Texas Governor John B. Connally Jr. in the back, chest, wrist, and thigh. Connally was riding next to Kennedy at the time.