
In Tell-All Interview, Trump Holds His Ground as Megyn Kelly Grills Him on Dr. Fauci, Lockdown Measures, and the Creation of Operation Warp Speed (VIDEO)

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Megyn Kelly sat down with former President Donald Trump to discuss a range of topics, including his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the controversial Operation Warp Speed. The interview was explosive, and at times, confrontational, as Kelly pressed Trump on some of the most contentious issues of his presidency.

Megyn Kelly wasted no time in confronting Trump about his relationship with Dr. Fauci, who has been a polarizing figure, especially among conservatives.

“For years, you’ve been saying that the reason you didn’t fire Anthony Fauci was because he’d been there for a long time, that you would have taken heat, that it would have created a firestorm,” Kelly said.

“You made him a star.