
The Incredible Shrinking Offensive: How the Definition of Ukrainian ‘Success’, Once Grandiose, Keeps Getting More and More Modest

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For months on end, the world was primed for the amazing Ukrainian counteroffensive. A momentous affair, fueled by countless billions of western taxpayer dollars, and all kinds of wunderwaffe (wonder weapons): missiles, drones, artillery and air defense systems, tanks and APCs – the works.

Sure, the start of the offensive kept being pushed back in time, as President Zelensky flew around the world getting more and more support for the decisive blow Kiev he was about to strike on the Russian Federation forces.

Ukraine’s objectives, as the military operations till loomed in the horizon, kept getting more and more xxxxxx

One year ago, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba laid the party line on this subject:

“The key moment for Ukraine is to restore our territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders of 1991.