
Black Woman Outraged and Calls Out “Microaggression” After Security Guard Compliments Her Wig Hair (VIDEO)

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A TikTok user named Mama Fi takes to social media to express her frustration over a security guard’s comments about her hair, calling it a microaggression.

In a recent TikTok post, a user named Mama Fi expressed her outrage after a security guard complimented her on her hair. Mama Fi, who is a black woman, felt that the security guard’s comments were a form of microaggression, despite the guard’s seemingly good intentions.

In the video, the security can be heard complimenting Mama Fi’s hair, stating, “See! She came in with pretty curls and now she’s coming with…”

Mama Fi interrupted, asking the security guard not to comment on her changing hairstyles.

“Can you please not talk about when I switch up my hair?” Mama Fi said.