
Ben Bergquam Reports In Panama: Pregnant Woman Left to Die as THOUSANDS of Illegals Funnel Through Darien Gap En Route to US (VIDEO)

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Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice has been in Panama reporting on the illegal aliens hiking through the Darien Gap en route to the United States. The mainstream media rarely, if ever reports on the realities of such a dangerous journey because they are usually too busy playing defense for the Biden Regime.

Bergquam showed the gruesome reality of what can happen on this dangerous trek. A body of a dead pregnant woman is lying next to him while he is reporting.

“This is the reality of what democrat leftists ‘compassionate’ policy gives you,” Bergquam said from the Darien Gap Route in the Isthmus of Panama.


Woman left to die on the Darien Gap route when she was no longer able to continue.